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Fairy Tail Creator Game

Characters > Create your FAIRY TAIL character

Can you name the Can you name ALL the Fairy Tail guild members? Test your knowledge on this television quiz to see how you do and compare your score to others.

Fairy Tail NEW SERIES confirmed by the author on twitter is in the works! Get hype for Fairy Tail Chapter 546 & Fairy Tail Episode 278. Creator Of Fairy Tail Announces New Series UnderratedMage. Feb 01, 2017  Hi everyone! I open this topic, for show you my Fairy Tail Game. As may someone of you know, Fairy Tail, is a very world-famous anime and manga. It was created, by Hiro Hashima, (don't know if it's the correct name, but.ok!) The resources, used for this game, are made by me, except some sv-battler, and the Happy Sprite, which the creators. Click Show to View the Contest I've been asked for a while to host a create a character and now I finally got around to it. Though I didn't want to host an average create a character so I decided to make this the First Official one for the Fairy Tail Wiki, and instead of it just being a regular one it's a contest! Just see how you can make this cute little doll become the snow-white you always dreamed about, or the red ridding hood from your good night stories. Experience all of your favorite fairy-tail characters by dressing up this cutie and accessorize her to your own personal liking. May 19, 2016  He learned memory make when he was 10 and fell in love with it. When he was 12 he left to find a guild and later found fairy tail. Type of Magic: Ancient magic Magic: Memory Make magic Memory make magic is a type of maker magic that allows the user to memorize any magic and create new spells out of memory.

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message 1: by Ravenclaw Elitist, Cats shall rule the world ! (last edited May 19, 2016 08:06AM) (new)

(( * this means Required. and you can add additional info. ))
*Full name
-Eye color
-Hair color
-Body build
*Family and their relationship
- NOt just keywords. Perosnaloty traits, interaction with others, etc.
*Fairy tail Mark and Location
-For the more creative, add spells
Other info

Did you just approve your own character? XD What even

message 3: by Ravenclaw Elitist, Cats shall rule the world ! (new)

Um... mods are approved instantly. But maybe we can read over each others and then see if they are approved.

Lol ok but you read over yours and said it was approved then said thx to yourself

message 5: by Ravenclaw Elitist, Cats shall rule the world ! (new)


message 6: by Ravenclaw Elitist, Cats shall rule the world ! (new)

Komiko wrote: 'Lol ok but you read over yours and said it was approved then said thx to yourself'
I'm weird, you know that

message 8: by Ravenclaw Elitist, Cats shall rule the world ! (new)

ok. Lol

message 9: by [deleted user] (last edited Apr 16, 2016 01:48AM) (new)

Name: Jenares Amaryllis
Gender: Male
Age: 21
Birthday: 10th August
Place of Birth: Unknown
Jenares is a kind, shy and loyal person. He is not very associated with the guild members as he is doesnt want them to see what tormented person he in fact is (read history). For this, he doesnt know anyone in the guild. Although that he is nice in general, his personality changes a lot when it comes to protecting the guild and the guildmembers as such that he becomes very serious.
Guild Rank: S-Class
Mark Location & Color: Right shoulder, blue
Years in Guild: 3
Team (name and members): None
Type of Magic: Caster
Magic: Requip (Basic)
A magic which allows the user to swap between weapons, items, leaving them in a pocket dimension. Although that Jenares can requip fast between his weapons, he cannot change his outfit in battle (like Coardinator and Erza).
1. Torturing Magic
2. Scared to lose friends
Millenium Silver Blade
A strong sword which use the air pressure to create powerful attacks. It can also use the elements. Finally, it can create a giant shield. However, if the shield gets attacked, the holder of the sword gets injured.
Pets: None
Family: Mother, Father (deceased)
Jenares lived with his parents in village somwehere in then north of Fiore. At the age of 5, his parents were killed by slave traders and they took him to a slave camp in Bosco. Not just for work, but also for sport. When he was 11 years old, he got trained by a dark guild to fight as a sort of gladiator in an arena to fight/kill other slaves, but just before the day he had his first match (18 years old then), a group of wizards attacked the camp and Jenares then escaped. Travelling around Fiore he wished that he could be a wizard himself and once he arrived at Fairy Tail, he decided to join.
Sexuality: Straight
Crush: Erza/Mira (Open)
Relationship Status: Open

message 10: by Ravenclaw Elitist, Cats shall rule the world ! (new)
very good character

message 12: by Ravenclaw Elitist, Cats shall rule the world ! (new)

i love your charrie, raven but don't both of those Magic combined seem a little poewerplay.
elaborate more and your character is approved!

message 13: by Soul Stealing~ Come and Play on the Dark Side (new)

Elaborate more on which part?

Fairy Tail Oc Creator Game

message 14: by Ravenclaw Elitist, Cats shall rule the world ! (new)

Magic powers please and thanks

message 15: by Soul Stealing~ Come and Play on the Dark Side (new)


message 16: by The Mysterious Cheshire Cat(Formerly Angel) (new)

Name: Ryushi Motoori
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Birthday: Oct. 13
Appearance: https://www.google.com/search?q=mirai...
Personality: Ryushi is shy for his age and likes to be alone. He hates large groups of people and has few, if any, close friends. He seem cold but he loves rabbits and has a big sweet tooth. If you can get on his good side, he seems like a big child.
History: He was abandoned when he was 3 and left at an orphanage. He was always shy and quiet but loved the snow and reading. When he was 8, a house in the village caught on fire. A friend of Ryushi was killed by it, which caused him to be a loner and to be afraid of fire. He learned memory make when he was 10 and fell in love with it. When he was 12 he left to find a guild and later found fairy tail.
Type of Magic: Ancient magic
Magic: Memory Make magic
Memory make magic is a type of maker magic that allows the user to memorize any magic and create new spells out of memory
Mark Location & Color: left side of neck; black
Years in Guild: 3 years
Team: solo Mage
Other: single, Sexuality: Homosexual, Orphan, small white rabbit named nix meaning snow in latin, he carries to small daggers with him.
Weaknesses: the heat, large groups, and fire.

message 17: by The Mysterious Cheshire Cat(Formerly Angel) (new)

^ Approved (^ω^)

message 18: by Ilsa, Best mod on the block! (new)

Name: Kiadra
Nickname: Kia
Age: 5
Date of Birth: January 1st
Place of Birth: She’s not sure. She’d have to ask someone else, and she’s not sure who to ask.
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Special Features: Her abnormally large eyes.
Personality: She’s sweet and cuddly and very shy, until you get to know her, then you might as well get used to the random hugs.
History: Her town was destroyed by one of Zeref’s demons. She only survived because she, being the youngest in the family, had to sleep in the drafty basement. When she dug herself out, she ran into Fairy Tail rescuers, so now she hangs out around the guild, no matter that she’s not a very powerful wizard. She mainly helps Mira clean up after the guild is wrecked to pay for her own keep.
Type of magic: Caster
Magic: Persuasion. She can adjust your mindset to make you more favorable toward an idea, or change your mood slightly. She did this a lot around her family to avoid being picked on, and generally likes to try to make people happier, though she’s tried to do it on herself and it doesn’t work.
Weapons: Her stuffed animal puppy, which she always carries around, either in a purse or in her arms. It’s the only thing she saved from the wreckage of her home.
Guild mark location and color: The palm of her hand, Bright, sunny yellow.
Team Members: None. She mainly hangs around the guild.
Team name: None, though a quest sounds exciting!
Guild Rank: Normal
Years in Guild: 2
Family: All dead.
Crush: None, but she thinks Romeo is kinda cute.
Relationship Status: Single
Pets: Her stuffed animal, Pookie:
(view spoiler)[ (hide spoiler)]
Other: She smiles at you whether she likes you or not.

message 19: by Ilsa, Best mod on the block! (new)

Name: Ferrin
Age: 21
Weight: 160
Height: 6’3”
Eyes: One eye is gray-blue, one is bright green.
Hair: Ginger
Skin: Pale
Personality: Ferrin is a really pleasant guy. He helps you when he can, puts everything on the line for you, and is probably the coolest person you could meet, really outgoing. If you do him a good turn, he’ll do that and a hundred times more for you. Unfortunately, he always has ulterior motives, which no one knows about and which he barely thinks about.
Family: None. He’s a magical construct.
History: He was created in a lab, the perfect spy for any organization. The perfect spy for ERA, who had genetically manipulated his DNA, weaving it with magic, every cell. If one were to look at him with magical eyes, he would appear to be completely covered in magic dust, oozing with power. Only he doesn’t shoot magic out in attacks. His magic is more survival based. Upon his creation, one of his eyes was placed in an ERA operative’s socket. One of his ears was used in such a manner as well, grafted into said person’s skin. The operative’s eye and ear were replaced on Ferrin. There’s no real difference, but for the slight shade of skin color on his left ear, and his tomcat-mismatched eyes. Upon the completion of his training, he was sent to integrate into Fairy Tail, the most powerful guild, in order to cut down on some of the influence the place holds in current day affairs. Only, Ferrin finds his loyalty wavering, slightly.
Magic: Ferrin is a Displacer
Magic Classification: Bisection
Type:(view spoiler)[Ferrin can take any body part off and pass it around. No blood loss, no true separation from his body. He could be cut into tiny bits without true damage. Rearranging himself would be the problem. Ferrin can graft parts of himself on other objects, creatures, beings. If he trusts someone enough, he’ll give them part of an artery, so if he ever goes out of control, he can be easily killed by a piercing of the artery. It isn’t like he is immune to blades. Not when he’s willing. (hide spoiler)]
Weapons : A single sword.
Magic Mark: On his collarbone, right below his throat. Blood red.
Team: N/A
Partner/Team Name: N/A
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Crush: N/A
Weakness: He isn’t immune to crushing. He can lose parts of his body if he grafts them too carelessly, like on a cat to watch someone.
Years in Guild: New.
Other: He doesn’t stand out. His genes were taken from Gildarts's DNA in an attempt to create a powerful mage obedient to ERA. However, their attempt created a mutation of the crash magic they wanted to replicate. Instead of destroying things, separating things, the magic turned inwards, allowing Ferrin to separate his body into multiple parts. However seemingly unpowerful, this makes him not the perfect offensive weapon, but the perfect defensive shield. He is extremely durable, so he'll take the punches to protect his friends, and land a few good hits in, as he's no wimp, either. His magical fighting style revolves around thought and cleverness. Without it, he's easily beaten. NO ONE IS GOING TO LEARN HIS SECRET OR SUSPECT HIM WITHIN THE FIRST FIVE MINUTES OF KNOWING HIM. Keep it real.

message 20: by Ilsa, Best mod on the block! (new)

Soara Antana
Age: 24
Weight 130
Height 5’ 1 0”
Eyes Pale green
Hair Ebony
Skin Alabaster
Personality: Soara is charming, brilliant, and absolutely enchanting. She’s gorgeous and sophisticated. But that’s all anyone will ever see in her, just the mask. Under the skin, she’s haunted constantly by her past actions and decisions. By the deaths that could have been avoided if she’d only made different choices. And she’s haunted by the fact that no one here remembers their pasts or tries to repay them. They avoid consequence, ‘because they are Fairy Tail’. She will tame this place, teach them the gravity of the past, eventually.
History: As a young child at age five, Soara was carefree and magic-less. She had a best friend whom she loved, a boy her age that did everything with her. Their friendship and childhood were uneventful and peaceful, until one day, the fire nation attacked dark guild Raven Tail attacked, under the guise of another name, destroying and taking all it could, before any authorities could retaliate.
The two children, hiding behind a collapsed wall, saw the people of the town lined up, hands behind their heads, as they were each examined by a magic sensing wizard. Those who had magic were taken, and those who had none were not given any opportunity to leak information about their attackers. Timothy, her friend, kept telling her that they needed to go, that they were going to get caught. But he wouldn’t leave her alone and was forced to watch as his own family was murdered, alongside Soara’s. Finally, as they, grief-stricken and horrified, turned to leave down the alley, they came face to face with several more dark guild members.
The two were made to stand in the line as well, shaking as they contemplated their upcoming death. Soara kept apologizing pointlessly for not leaving when they had the chance, while Timothy stared straight ahead, face horrified, like he still couldn’t believe what was happening, as if he was trapped in the exact moment his family had been murdered. And suddenly, it was his turn. Just as suddenly, he was lying in a pool of his own blood, next to the little girl, who could only look down in horror.
Something flared inside her. Something she’d never felt before, and the magic sensing mage staggered back, pointing. And then she could really see. And she could create worlds around everyone. She could change their realities. And she did. She chose their deepest, darkest desires, torturous achings of the heart. She put them right into the eyes of the attackers, all of them at once, taking place in an instant. They began to wander meaninglessly, babbling to unseen people, boldly accepting the visions, or sobbing in despair of ever achieving such reality, even be it right in front of them.
She envisioned her own dead parents, sitting up, as well as ever. And she ignored them. She knew it was a lie.
Soara looked down. Timothy had died smiling.
Years later, after ERA had found her there and placed her in a facility that was sure to raise her as a ward of the state, teach her, give her the necessities, Soara was sure that the past would no longer haunt her. She was sure that there was a future for her. And then, at the age of 18, she met a man her age who swept her off her feet, a wizard just like her. And she fell for every poisonous word that dripped out of his sugared mouth. When he left… When the child was coming… When the world collapsed around her… She cleaved to the fact that she could join a guild and raise her child as a happy magical child. For she could feel a second magic growing inside of her. She left the protection program near the end of her pregnancy.
Her child was taken, much like Ultear was, for experimentation, mere moments after birth, and Soara never even held it, or even learned whether it was a boy or girl. After years of trying to regain the baby, she learned that her son had died after only a few days of testing. Astaroth, a demon, was whom they'd been grooming her child to kill, but he'd died and she swore to avenge him. Whether through helping or destroying the demon, its unclear. Overwhelmed with grief and hate, she spent a few years in a powerful dark guild, but only found that those actions disgusted her even more. Soara is now a firm advocate for justice, and no one is free of guilt. Those who refuse to acknowledge their guilt and make thing right… They should be punished accordingly.
Magic: Encanta
Magic Classification: Caster
Type: Encanta –here, this means she can instantly create an illusion that allows you to see whatever you want most, the deepest desire of your heart. It’s so overpowering, you may lose any connection to the present and what’s going on. The only problem is, it affects her as well, all the time, in the back of her head, and it’s torture.
Weapons: A simple knife she uses to take down enemies caught up in illusion.
Magic Mark: Black, on her temple, hidden by her hair.
Team: N/A
Partner/Team Name: N/A
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Crush: None
Weakness: She’s compromised by her own desires, which are out of reach, and yet always, when mentioned, cause her to hesitate, freeze up, and/or lose her cool. Which here means, remove heads.
Years in Gulid: 1
Theme Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KH530...

message 21: by Ilsa, Best mod on the block! (new)

Name: Wren Ishida
Age: 18
Weight: 120
Height: 5’7”
Eyes: Lime Green
Hair: Bright, shaggy red
Skin: Alabaster
Personality: Wren is traumatized by her past, and seems rather cut off from it, instead trying to weave a new future, without her past sticking scissors in the middle of the weave and ripping it apart. Guess how well that works.
With consistent ties to her wardens, the people who’d taken care of her, and hints at a dark past, with a little bit of delving, almost anyone could find her criminal record and the crimes she’s committed, which would completely mortify her. She’s trying for a new life, when she can forget the past and pretend that nothing happened, and live in the present, looking to the future. Outwardly, Wren is polite and considerate, but shoves away anyone who gets close, pushing away personal questions and creating excuses to get out of a room. She tries to play the tsundre, a rough on the outside personality, but instead finds herself drawn to more girlish desires, like weaving daisy chains or having heated debates with children. Not being able to stomach hard alcohol doesn’t help in her desire to be a complete tsundre, and she’s a bit too soft and vulnerable for that role, anyway.
Family: She doesn’t talk about them, but it’s assumed that something bad happened to them all.
History: Wren was a normal girl, but unfortunately, her magical container couldn’t contain the magic that it created, which it creates far too quickly. On turning ten, Wren’s birthday was pretty much wrecked when her magical power exploded outward from excitement, killing her family and leaving her unconscious in a pile of rubble. When she woke, she didn’t know what she’d done, but… The people started chasing her like she was the subject of a witch-hunt, or a fox chase. Fleeing, Wren was fast, but easily tracked, and fell exhausted in the mud at the side of a lake, scrabbling for more hold in the earth, trying to get back up. A leaking pit of magical power untapped, something gleaming in the shallows of the lake seemed to be pushed up at her, from a near-transparent hand. True to form in fiction, Excalibur seemed to heal her injuries –or at least numb the pain- the instant she held it in her hands, gaping at the lake to try to see who had given this magnificent weapon to her, but… nothing was there. And her magical force clung to the sword, tying it to her, and her to it. It can almost be said, Excalibur is a shard of her own soul.
However, as the people began catching up, the tired little kid lifted her weapon and warded them back, with a shield that the sword almost emanated itself, blasting force out at them, pressing them back. Still, they pressed forwards, driven by some horrible frenzy. So… She attacked, wounding all, but killing none, fueled by insane strength and speed, some horrible, fearful guidance of accuracy. Her movements were clumsy and ragged, but still. She totally owned those villagers, who cursed her out as she escaped, running back home to try to get her parent’s help. At this point, the 10 year old had exploded, been hunted down, and barely escaped with her life, all on her birthday. She expected a hug or so from her parents, and them to make things all better.
She came home to their corpses. It sucked. The magical council judged that it had been an accidental magical death, but that she’d also stabbed the crud out of everyone in the village, so, she had to go through three years of prison. So, by the time she was 13, she had a criminal rep, was an orphan, and was probably never going to be adopted by anyone in their right minds. In that knowledge, and under the custody of the magic council, she trained with their magical forces, learning to control and wield her ability. Her magical container is far larger, but she still needs to use her magic on a daily basis, otherwise, it risks explosion again, because it wells up too quickly and knows no restraint.
She, on age 18, bid farewell to the people who took care of her for those years, and decided to join a magical guilds, while maintaining contact with them, in order to ensure that she’s been undergoing the proper procedures to keep everyone around her safe. If she goes comatose… That would suck, unless she could constantly tap her power into another receptacle, like another person.
Magic: Excalibur Magic
Magic Classification: Caster/User
Type:(view spoiler)[She can summon at will a sword with a golden misty light that grants her superhuman speed, strength, and magical attacks. These include, fire sword, ice sword, slash of the raging winds, and other slice-y awesomeness. (hide spoiler)]
Weapons : Excalibur, see above.
Magic Mark: Red, tiny, on the earlobe of her right ear.
Team: None yet.
Partner/Team Name: None yet
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Crush: Weiss –he is everything she’s looked for in a guy. Unfortunately, he doesn’t seem to reciprocate her feelings.
Weakness: She has too much magical regeneration, which grows beyond her magical container. Also, she hates spiders. As in, HATES them. And snakes. Those are the worst.
Years in Guild: New
Other: She’s excited to be on her way.

message 22: by Ilsa, Best mod on the block! (last edited Jul 22, 2016 12:48PM) (new)

Name: Itzari Kugel
Nickname: Ari or Isil, meaning, 'star'
Age: 18
Date of Birth: December 17th
Place of Birth: Somewhere in Fiore. Honestly, she doesn't know or care.
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Special Features: A birthmark on the back of her neck:
(view spoiler)[ (hide spoiler)]
Faceclaim: Lydia –By Lydia-Fullbuster on DeviantArt
Personality: She’s a fiery, silent sort, who takes difficult quests and doesn’t really open up much to anyone. You’ll likely see her wrapped in a cloak over in the corner with a mug of beer, running over some base walkover of a job. Eventually, she plans to become an ‘S’ class wizard, but she knows that’s quite a ways away. Once, she’d been nominated for it, but the night before had gotten a horrible case of nerves and been sick late into the next day, missing the trip. Itzari would like to be selected again, though, since it sounds… fun. And that word could easily be switched out with ‘challenging’. Itzari will tell you the truth, even if you’re the guildmaster or Gildarts or Erza. Which means, much of the time, she might be pinned in a fight she can’t win. Under her shell, though, some people may be able to discover that she has feelings and common decency. Many are surprised, and most don’t believe them when they reveal their findings. Itzari secretly gets sick with too much stress, hides a disability, fears trusting anyone with anything, and suffers with not knowing anything about the first seven years of her life. She’d really love to open up to someone… she just keeps herself from ever actually doing so.
History: Truthfully, Itzari doesn’t really know. She remembers waking up alone in a house at about the age of seven, then remembering something about being there for a long time. She assumes that she’s always lived alone. When she discovered her magic mere days later, well, all right, she considered it incredibly fun, ignoring her gut reaction of… revulsion? She trained a lot and picked up on speed and power very quickly, but soon learned the agony of over-exerting herself. She’s pretty good at keeping it nice and non-painful now. She still hasn't realized she's got a birthmark on the back of her neck, because contrary to popular belief, she doesn't have eyes on the back of her head. This mark was placed there as a seal on her magical ability, and would require some sort of burning to remove. It would take a load of magical ability to remove the seal and discover just what part of her magic was concealed.
What Itzari doesn’t know is that she’s a direct descendant of Zeref, and that through purposeful breeding throughout the centuries, she was created as an incredibly powerful mage, one able to change the form of their magic whenever they liked, no matter what type of magic presented itself. The fateful night that resulted in her current condition is recounted below:
Itzari eavesdropped on her parents and a large group of their dark wizard friends at a dinner party. They were talking of absolutely horrifying things, like sacrifices and Zeref's return and Acnologia. Itzari went to the collection of books up on the stairs frantically and read through everything they had about Zeref and Acnologia with her mother's wind reader glasses. Horrified to the point of nightmares, she went downstairs to hear them planning a human sacrifice for some dark means or another. They were discussing a child sacrifice. More specifically, her own. She felt panicked and very helplessly accessed Zeref's death magic, killing every living soul in the house but herself. Horrified, she decided to fabricate her own past, burning all the magic books and dumping the bodies into the river out behind their country shack, cleaning and scraping all the blood til the floor seemed polished and buffed. She then sealed her own magic with a spell, leaving it locked on 'light magic', which she had used last to hide the bodies as they floated downstream. At which point, she took a one-use rechargeable item used by for memory wipings and took her own memory, of magic and everything, leaving her still a powerful mage. But if she used all her magic ability, the seal would drain out her life force to fill the void, killing her. And she no longer has the ability to change her magic from light. She has no memories of her family or her former magic. There's a lethal limit to her power, though, so she can't expand her magic container, as it's locked.
Type of magic: Caster
Magic: Heavenly Body
(view spoiler)[ Being a descendant of Zeref and of many of his more powerful followers and servants, she was proficient in lots of magic, even at a young age. By reading, she could replicate. And not memory magic, but she could exchange one form of magic for another if she knew it. She was never proficient in any, though she dabbled in many beforehand. By placing a seal on her magic, she limited herself to one magic (Heavenly Body), locked her magical container from further growth, and gave herself Magical Deficiency Disorder. Whenever she runs low on magic, her life source will begin to be sapped away. (hide spoiler)]
Weapons: Her hands, but if they fail her, her trusty katana, which she only unsheathes for worthy fights.
(view spoiler)[ (hide spoiler)]
Guild mark location and color: Her guild mark is on her shoulder/torso, the left side of her collarbone. Red, but it glows brightly when she uses her magic.
(view spoiler)[
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Team Members: (None, at the moment)
Team name: (None, at the moment)
Guild Rank: Normal
Years in Guild: Over a year
Family: None, at least, none she knows of. She doesn’t really care, either. She doesn’t dwell on the past and can’t remember much further back from when she first got her magic, at age 7.
Zeref is her great great great great great great grandfather, and many of his generals and other powerful dark wizards are her predecessors.
Crush: None, at least, not yet. From what she’s experienced, boys annoy her.
Relationship Status: Single
Pets: None
Whenever she burns up all her magic, she has to quickly recover or she'll be in a near death situation because Itzari put the seal on her own magic, wiping her memory of the action.

message 23: by Ilsa, Best mod on the block! (new)

Name:Kinji Kioko
Age: 17
Weight: 110
Height: 5’4”
Eyes: lime-pastel green
Hair: Orange-red, really long, normally combed back in a ponytail, with pixie locks on her cheeks and a curl on her forehead.
Skin: Pretty pale, a little color from sun exposure, though.
Build: Equally proportionate
Personality: She’s mischievous and sly and a thief. She’s also very used to getting her way, and a bit spoiled. However, she’s nice and sociable and nice when it comes to meeting people, and strangers make deeper impressions on her than people she’s known for a long time, as strange as it seems. She might change or try to act more decent for somebody she wants to impress, but she’s not going to try to do the same thing for someone she already knows and trusts, unless they really emphasize it. Why change for an old friend she knows she can keep? She’s kind of ticked at her family for not standing up for her or listening to her side of things about the whole stealing thing, instead having her psycho-analyzed and treating her like a defective lamp, just to be put in the shop.
Family: A pack of siblings and her parents. She doesn’t much care for them.
History: She had a pretty nice childhood, good parents, good siblings, good schooling, the lot. Of course, she did steal a lot. And then erase the memories of those she stole from and claim she bought it all when she got home. Really, she learned she could get away with anything from an early age by just changing some memories here and there and taking what she wanted. Even now, she still feels an annoying amount of entitlement, but not as much as before, because… Well, ERA had some recording technology on one of her frequent hits and caught her nabbing merchandise. A lot of merchandise. And nobody cared. So, she got sent to a rehabilitation clinic for kleptomania. It didn’t traumatize her, nor did it cure her, but she learned to keep her hands to herself and to be watchful. Also, she knows a bit of restraint for the people she likes, not stealing from them. Those who get on her nerves, though, all bets are off. Her parents supported everything suggested by the experts to cure her anti-social disease, and it was recommended that she join a guild to learn to use her magic in a productive way. Her family scouted out guilds and settled on Fairy Tail, so after an interview with Makarov, she was initiated. Also, she started going more rebel, wearing more revealing clothes as a statement, as if to say if anyone needs her to change, she’ll do it on her own terms.
Magic: Memory Alteration
Magic Classification: Caster
Type:(view spoiler)[She can remove up to a minute of recent memory(in a day) in a person. She can replace it with something else of her choosing. With training, she could expand her skill. (hide spoiler)]
Weapons: She’s got a sword, but it’s not magical or anything. She just uses it in a pinch, and has a basic knowledge of fighting, nothing grand.
Magic Mark: Green, on the left upper hip, visible on her side.
Team: Team SOLO!
Partner/Team Name: She’s solo.
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Crush: Nobody yet.
Weakness: She’s a kleptomaniac, so all things shiny and valuable-looking.
Years in Gulid: Newbie

message 24: by Ilsa, Best mod on the block! (new)

Name: Rintaki Ichini
Nickname: Rin
Age: 17
Date of Birth: February 6th
Place of Birth: The city of Dahara in the Desierto Kingdom
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
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Special Features: Red streak of hair protruding from her bangs, a slave brand burned into the back of her right shoulder.
Personality: Rintaki is a feisty girl, mainly glares and ignoring the people around her. People normally avoid someone who looks grumpy, or busy about some business or other. She will bite at anybody who she thinks is trying to take advantage of her, or get to know her to use her later. Rin has no real concept of family or trust, and really doesn't have any friends. However, she's more against men, for some reason, then girls, and sometimes goes completely out of her way to avoid talking to them or passing them on the street.
History: Rin's mother was a slave in an illegal trade ring, used by anyone for her body. Rin wasn't supposed to survive the severe poisoning used to kill a baby and not the mother, the dangerous balance of toxin. It induced labor and killed Rin's mother. The baby was determined fairly healthy and conveniently, a breeder had lost her son, so there was someone to care for Rin, and it was better to try to make a profit off of their foolish decision. Her adopted slave mother told her the streak of scarlet in her hair was from when her real mother kissed her, a moment before death. The work was laborious, tedious, and abusive. Then at twelve, she was removed from the slave and told she had to learn how to really work for her keep, or die. Her adopted mother told her what to expect and entrusted her with a knife. The first man to come for her, she stabbed right in the eye. Immediately, she got stuck as a street fighter. She was supposed to die almost immediately, but she survived, fighting and killing anyone they pitted her against, in fear of her own life. However, it was only a matter of time. They weren't given enough food or water to live on. The only ones who survived were those who obtained favors from the slavers by endearing themselves and obeying and the like. Just at the breaking point, The Daharan police infiltrated, then broke up the crime ring. It was a mess of months to find out who was a victim, who wasn't, and how to determine what was going on. Rin was one of the first released, at the age of 16, left the country, travelling and living how she could. She did jobs wherever she could find them, but always ended up fighting verbally or physically with her employers. Eventually, she made her way to Fiore, where she saw some Fairy Tail mages fight and do jobs together. Part of her was envious, and she stalked them back to the guild, walked in, and just watched, sitting there for nearly three days before she made up her mind on joining. Jobs that required skill, but majorly paid off. She could actually live on money like that, never have to talk to or deal with anybody else's problems. The best part was, in this crowd, hardly anyone had noticed her, much less looked at her.
The only problem? She doesn't have magic. But that doesn't matter, as long as nobody asks, right? She'll probably develop or learn some later on, but right now she takes on fighting quests to make her living and spends most of her time in the guild, invisible in the middle of everything.
Type of magic: None yet.
Magic: None yet.
Weapons: A steel-titanium katana, not fused with lacrima, nothing special about it at all. It's just a strong blade.
Guild mark location and color: Black with a red outline, blurred together, on her right shoulder blade.
Team Members: Aescia, Evie, Ambrosia
Team name: Team Azure
Guild Rank: Normal
Years in Guild: Newbie
Family: All dead.
Crush: None.
Relationship Status: Single
Other: She has INSANE fighting skills, but to no real method, which makes her unpredictable and dangerous.

message 25: by Ilsa, Best mod on the block! (new)

(view spoiler)[The art used for this character comes from this awesome comic, Lapis, which may be read here: http://tapastic.com/episode/186859
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Nickname: ...Whatever you can come up with.
Age: 20
Date of Birth: April 7th
Place of Birth: She very likely wouldn't tell anyone, but it's assumed by the guildmembers that she's foreign. She's from Enca.
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Special Features: Small, black tattoos under her eyes.
Personality: Aescia is really the epitome of the 'tsundre' stereotype. She's rather curt, not rude, but cold. She'd rather talk with you to finish up whatever business needed to be completed instead of actually enjoying your company. That being said, she does have a warmer side, where she ACTUALLY thanks people! -But only once. Don't try to get her to repeat herself. In general, she's nicer around children, but she will do whatever she has to to get the job done. However... She's not necessarily the moral high point. It's been observed that she'll stumble across some crime or other, but not involve herself, unless someone else involves her. Some think that maybe she's just too distressed or focused on something else to really pay attention to the scene that seems to require her attention, but really... Most of the time, she sees lowering herself to sweep trash off the street is humiliating.
History: Aescia really doesn't confide her past in anyone. If someone asks, she will ignore the question or deflect it. She'd really have to be put into the appropriate mood -probably after a long, hard battle- to actually share some of the tragedy. She was born to a family of upper class warriors. Her father was a general, but everything changed when the nation of Sin attacked Enca. Eventually, their small nation was overwhelmed and subjugated to the whims of the Sinian people. Everyone who held a high standing in the army or government was executed. Aescia was lucky, because she was female, and the nation of Sin was highly patriarchal. She was deemed innocent because of her sex, but... watching was just as bad as if she'd been up there with them. Her father and her brothers -her mother had died long ago- and her young fiance, a promising politician, promised a place in the Senate. Their king had even favored him. Aescia watched as each one was sliced to pieces brutally, on a raised scaffold covered in straw and reeds. Her magic manifested, but too late to do anything to help them, to help anyone. Eventually, she smuggled herself out of the country rolled up in a rug, in the cart of a sympathetic carpet-dealer, at a great risk to his person. The ship headed to Fiore, a place where such barbarity was supposedly unheard of, and Aescia arrived in port, to try to find some new way of life. To try to forget her haunting past.
Type of magic: Caster
Magic: Arc of Time
(view spoiler)[This is Ultear's magic, I know, but I thought it would be incredibly appropriate according to Aescia's past. She would want to rewind time at the moment, but could only deconstruct the weapons or the scaffold, not reconstruct the bodies of her beloved family. She's nowhere near as skilled, yet, to manage the spell 'Last Ages', nor does she really know much of her magic, or how to use it as fluently as Ultear does. She will DEFINITELY need a lot of practice. Keep in mind that she just activated her magic maybe 2 weeks - 1 month ago. (hide spoiler)]
Weapons: Being the daughter of a general, she is well versed in martial arts, and uses that in general. However, she is very handy with a blade and could handle a gun, if she so desired.
Guild mark location and color: Sapphire blue, on her right temple, under her hair.
Team Members: Rin, Evie, Ambrosia
Team name: Team Azure
Guild Rank: Normal.
Years in Guild: New.
Family: Unknown
Crush: None.
Relationship Status: Single
Pets: None. Although, because of her fear of rodents, she will likely invest in a cat at one point or another.
Weaknesses: Aescia tends to accidentally make things rot or youthen around her. She sometimes makes her own food moldy, and she has very little control over her power. She's afraid of rats, and also anything rodent-like. Even rabbits set her on edge. Also, the murders of all her loved ones still haunt her, and she can be gotten to using those memories.

message 26: by Ilsa, Best mod on the block! (new)

Name: Tenia Suzimia
Age: 18
~Height: 5'7'
~Weight: 120
~Eye color: Blue-Gray
~Hair color/style: Orange, short in the front, long in the back, pinned with two flower-snowflake pins.
Personality: Tenia likes cooking, but what she tries normally comes out on terms of flambe. Anything that doesn't come out en flambe is normally too strange to actually eat. She's generally nice and offers her food to people, but most turn her down. As she's really sweet, most look on her like a waitress or hired help rather than a guild member, and it annoys her slightly, because she's actually a pretty powerful mage, and isn't in charge of food or that sort.
History: Tenia has never told anyone, like it's a big secret.
Magic type: Teleportation
~Magic: In Doranbolt style, she can teleport anywhere she's seen, whether in a picture or in the past.
Magic mark color and location: Black, on the sole of her foot.
Team: NA
Team Name: NA
Years in guild: One year, easy to miss.

message 27: by Ilsa, Best mod on the block! (new)

Name: Kita Arika ((Kee-tah Aree-kah)) -People refer to her by her last name
Age: 21
Weight: 100
Height: 5’5”
Eyes: Blue –gold rimmed
Hair: Bright red, long, slightly wavy and wispy
Skin: Pale
Personality: Kita is kind enough, although usually hard against other people and very obvious about pointing out shortcomings. Because of this, she isn’t really the most approachable person, and that’s perfectly all right with her. Pretty much everyone calls her by her last name. Anyone who doesn’t normally gets on her nerves.
Family: Parents –unknown Rikala, the Body Dragon
History: On a camping trip with their two year old daughter, a married couple, the day before they were scheduled to leave for home, found themselves confronted by an ancient grizzly. Neither were mages and neither had any armaments. Fleeing as quickly as they could, they turned to see that their child’s hand had slipped from their own, and she toppled, attacked by the giant bear. At that moment, a dragon dived from the sky and the father, knowing that the life of their baby girl was gone- pulled the screaming mother away.
Kita can remember it all clearly. The sudden pain of sharp claws… They dug into her body and sapped her strength. She was dying. But then, a monster attacked the crazed beast and saved her. A dragon, the terror of all, tucked into its feast right then and there, stopping only after the carcass was half gone, to look at her.
There was a long pause as the child –who was too confused to be very frightened- met eyes with the dragon, both stained with blood. The girl closed her eyes, feeling sudden exhaustion, and drifted into sleep. A day later, she woke in the den of the dragon, her wounds having had skin transplanted over them, new flesh implanted deep into the gouges. Scales studded her skin where the deadly wounds had been. Scratched up, she toddled over to her caretaker.
Years later, when Rikala, the Body Dragon, decided to teach her the art of incorporating the strength of a dragon, size, everything… Practically becoming a dragon for a short period of time through the magic, Kita failed. Over and over again, despite the dragon implants –or perhaps, because of them-, she couldn’t succeed in the teachings of her parent. In the end, she settled for a lost magic, one which she was quite adept with. Rikala vanished fifteen years ago, the same as the other dragons, leaving behind her six year old ward.
At age seven, she stumbled upon an S-Class trial for the Fairy Tail mages. Unknowing of what it was, but sure that they were up to no good, she followed the trainees and beat them to their prize, successfully completing the course and confusing everybody about how, exactly, she’d even gotten there. However, after learning everything about the guild and having the procedure explained, Kita decided to join for a trial run. As she hadn’t endured the full length of the trials and wasn’t a guild member at the time, her score was considered a fluke and she joined the guild. She made a point of never being exceptional, so she hasn’t been nominated, although she could probably put up a good fight.
Magic: Despite being raised by a dragon, Kita is NOT a dragon slayer. She has physical enhancement magic. This means that she can enhance her speed, endurance, her strength, shriek louder, jump further, pretty much press all her limits. With her scepter, these abilities are enhanced tenfold.
Magic Classification: Caster & Holder
Type: Physical Enhancement
Weapons: Scepter, as shown in appearance
Magic Mark: Midnight blue, over a patch of scales over her heart
Team: N.A.
Partner/Team Name: N.A.
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Crush: No one. She’s not interested in relationships. At all. If you come up with flowers and a box of chocolates, she’ll pretend you don’t exist. This isn’t out of cruelty. She has no idea what to do in any romantic-type situation and panics, so she just avoids it altogether.
Weakness: She hates public displays of affection. She also has a terrible phobia of heights. Also, she can’t stand being placed in a romantic situation.
Years in Gulid: 14

message 28: by Ilsa, Best mod on the block! (new)

Name: Alicia
Age: 19
~Height: 5’2
~Weight: 90 lbs
~Eye color: pale green to dark green
~Hair color/style: Long, gold-blond locks that are braided various ways, artily, and prettily.
Personality: She is very much like a porcelain doll in itself. She doesn’t talk to her guildmates. She doesn’t laugh or joke. It’s actually very important that she doesn’t. In order to empower her soul magic, she must suppress her own self, her emotions, feelings, everything. She would be tempted to feel bored, if she didn’t just suppress that feeling. Mainly, she sits in a pile of cushions with loads of various flowers, because she likes flowers far too much to suppress that part of her. It’s a personal flaw she allows. She suspects that if she let herself exist, she’d be pleasant and happy, but she doesn’t much think into that, however much she likes it. She’s too scared that she’d be sent from the guild if she lost her ability over souls.
That was in the past. When the dark guild she'd played pet to was taken down by the ministry of magic, she decided to join a more lenient guild, and found that Fairy Tail was perfect for actually learning to help herself through learning about her unique individuality. She still is constantly carrying around flowers, and has a cushion under one arm because the benches are too hard for her petunia backside.
History: Her father died while she was in the womb, fulfilling the agenda of the Titan guild. Her mother died in childbirth. Most the guild wanted to just leave the baby in the alley and be done with her, but the guildmaster remembered something he’d once read, about a magic that needed to be perfected from birth. Alicia wasn’t trained by a ‘god’, instead, she was magically infused with several lacrima positioned in key places on her back. From youth, she was trained that she had no individuality. That she was merely a weapon, or a pet, of the Titan guild. Not to say that she isn’t respected. She’s accepted as a valid member, and holds conversations, as well as participates in activities. However, all of this is done in a cut off, almost robotic way. She’s been told the power of her magic is conditional with how she represses herself, but, in actuality, that’s a lie so she’ll be a better tool to the guild, unclouded by emotion. She is now knowledgeable of this fact and trying to explore her own personality and write her own future.
Magic type: Soul god slayer
~Magic Soul god slayer magic comes with a difficult price to pay. Although Alia can use it to twist souls, repair souls, destroy them… Well, it comes at the price of suppressing her own soul. Not to be confused with killing, however, with this magic, she can change a person so much that they become absolutely different from what they used to be, and their motives against her change. However, she doesn’t often get much chance to wreak havoc among souls. And if she did get a chance, it’d be much like a child playing with dozens of dolls. As a plus, she can nullify doll magic. However, for the purposes of not being overly OP, her soul changes only last about a day, which is enough for her guildmates to accomplish their purposes.
Magic mark color and location: Pink, ankle
Team: N.A.
Team Name: N.A.
Former Guild: Titans
Years in guild: Life
Guild: Fairy Tail
Years in guild: Just joined
She’s S-Class. In her exams, she made the others absolutely apathetic to the trials, taking an uncontested lead and finishing in first. Now that she's in Fairy Tail, she's a normal member, and not nearly as powerful as their S-Class.

message 29: by Ilsa, Best mod on the block! (new)

Name:Hijikata Kuri
Age: 19
~Height: 6’0”
~Weight: 170 lbs
~Eye color: Gray
~Hair color/style: Messy brown with a red headband
Personality: Hijikata is very energetic, bouncy, and generally pleasant to be around. His goofy, dorkish nature allows him to blend in with the more casual or dimwitted of the guild, but his powerful magic grants him friendship with the other skilled mages. Even then, he has those moments when he reveals the true intellectual that he is. But then, he’ll throw on a crooked grin and try to pretend he’d never deemed to be intelligent. He hates it when people mess with his hair. It makes him feel like a child, inferior.
History: There’s not much to say. He was raised to take over a financially dwindling pawn shop, owned by his parents. They had nothing against magic. They sold magical items all the time. But when Hijikata admitted that he just didn’t want his future to begin and end trapped behind the doors of a curio, expressed his desire to join a guild, they shut him down. They had no other children to take over their property when they were gone. To them, Hijikata was refusing to take on their legacy, deeming himself too high above them. There was the typical teenaged fight, in which the boy ran away. Except, in this story, he didn’t return. Hijikata made his way to the nearest guild, which happened to be Fairy Tail, and displayed his magical abilities. Enhanced by his anger and frustration at his parents, he was moved to do feats he’d never dreamed of, and Makarov accepted him immediately. However, he still tenderfoots about his own magic, not truly knowing his limitations.
Magic type: Magnetism
~MagicHe can create extreme polar attraction between two objects, so much as he’s touched one of the things he wants to move around. He can turn any creature/human/thing into magnets for each other.
Magic mark color and location: He has a burnt orange Sabertooth mark on his shoulderblade.
Team: N.A.
Team Name: N.A.
Guild: Fairy Tail
Years in guild: Newly joined

message 30: by Ravenclaw Elitist, Cats shall rule the world ! (new)

Lol. Very good characters, all of them were very interesting to read.

message 31: by [deleted user] (last edited Apr 23, 2016 10:41AM) (new)

*Name: Gareth Cane
*Age: 16
*Appearance: a guy that doesn't look like he would be powerful, wears a green shirt under a grey hoodie(or cloak, depending on his mood) and brown pants
Height: about 5'7
Weight: about 180lb
Eye color: a blackish-green color
Hair color/style: red hair that is short i the back but is swooped up in the front, i can't think of a better way of describing it.
*Personality: a fun loving, hard working, slightly animal like, slightly OCD, strongly passionate about his point of view, could argue with a brick wall and win, slightly rambly, very destructive, lightly reclusive, and not very well mannered kind of man
*History: not much to tell, he was born on a farm in the hills of somewhere(doesn't particularly know where), the most exciting thing that happened to him is when he got lost and lived with a pack of wolves for about a year before he was found, left home about a year ago
*Magic type: fire/primal(learned primal from the wolves)
*Magic can do almost anything any other fire wizard can do, but primal is the use of magic to heighten the natural abilities(speed,strength,stealth,etc.) of the user. (I forgot about this earlier) there is always the chance that this magic will consume him, should he use his most powerful ability 'Primal Rage'
*Magic mark color and location: grey and located in the center of his spine between the shoulder blades
Years in guild: only about two days now
Interest: plants, animals, and discovering the source of the primal forces(air,fire,water,earth,etc.) in magic
Weaknesses: he cannot stand traveling by train, nothing else, just trains.
Others: Ganth, one of his brothers from the pack, follows him, though he doesn't know it.

message 32: by Ravenclaw Elitist, Cats shall rule the world ! (new)

Interesting character reminds me of a guy from a tv show I watch, but otherwise good job.

message 33: by Ravenclaw Elitist, Cats shall rule the world ! (new)

wanna Rp?

message 34: by Loveme22 - The Queen of the Night Court (new)

He could be on our team

message 35: by Ravenclaw Elitist, Cats shall rule the world ! (new)

Sure thats alright.

message 36: by Ravenclaw Elitist, Cats shall rule the world ! (new)

Approved thanks!

message 37: by Ilsa, Best mod on the block! (new)

Thank you! Sorry for the dump!

message 39: by Ravenclaw Elitist, Cats shall rule the world ! (new)

Lol, its ok. Thats a lot of charries to choose from though. Have fun.

message 40: by Ilsa, Best mod on the block! (new)


Alexander: supporter of grumpy cat( lover of anime and Harry potter( Natural Born Ravenclaw)( Member of Fairy Tail)( Lover of Pancakes too) wrote: 'wanna Rp?'
I'm sorry but, was this for me? I had to leave an area with internet for a wile, if not then just delete this and pretend it never happened

message 43: by Loveme22 - The Queen of the Night Court (new)

No we actually wanted to know it you wanted to roleplay with us

message 44: by Ilsa, Best mod on the block! (new)

I wanna. :)

message 45: by Loveme22 - The Queen of the Night Court (new)

I can make a character for you if you want me too

message 46: by Ilsa, Best mod on the block! (new)

Okay. :)

message 47: by Loveme22 - The Queen of the Night Court (last edited Apr 20, 2016 06:13PM) (new)

Height: 5'7
Weight: 150
Eye color:red/brown
Hair color/style: Brown and straight
She has a very bubbly personality which can make anyone smile. She can also be quit scary if she is made, kind of like Erza(lol). So I suggest you don't piss her off. Even though she can be scary she loves to cheer everyone up. She the type of person that has a bright smile.
She was born into the guild her parents are in the guild. She was born very sick and her parents were told that she might die in a few hours. Her parents tried everything to get her help but, she was to weak. Just in time a amazing wizard came along and told her parents there is a river that has been told having healing powers. When her parents came to the river they put her in the water. She was surrounded by a blue aura she was suddenly healed of all illness. After about 5 years her parents were killed on a S Class mission and that left her parentless. She was taken care of by everyone in the guild. She grew up to be a strong proud girl.
*Magic type: Caster
*Magic mark color and location:
Blue it is on her shoulder
Team Name:N/A
Years in guild:
Finding friends
And fighting
Being in the air
(gonna finish later on

message 48: by Hafsah (last edited Apr 22, 2016 10:59PM) (new)

Name: Serafina Lazarel
Age: 18
Appearance: Thick voluminous midnight black hair with eyes green as emerald with a lean physique.
Weight: 121 lb
Eye color: emerald green
Hair color/style: Waist length midnight black straight with loose curls at the end
Personality: Hardworking and determined with a mild streak of procrastination but work first and play later style. People perceive her as cold, blunt and emotionless yet the complete opposite; highly sensitive, loud, loyal and kind with her close circle. Helping others is her purpose in life, perfectly capable of carrying past her breaking point and is exhausted and stressed. Highly guards herself.
History: Absent of emotional investment by family and was abandoned at the age of 15. Has a younger brother. Was travelling alone until joined fairy tail.
Magic type: Caster magic
Magic: Water Dragon Slayer
Guild: Fairy tail
Years in guild: 1 year
Team: None
Interest: Reading, traveling, cooking and dancing.
Strengths: Excellent swordsmanship and intermediate skill level in physical combat. Able to summon. Creative and uses it for resolving human challenges makes them excellent counselors and advisers. Insightful and is able to see through dishonesty and see how people and events are connected, and to get to the subject. Decisive and altruistic.
Weaknesses: Highly sensitive, perfectionist, stressed easily and extremely private.

message 49: by Ravenclaw Elitist, Cats shall rule the world ! (new)

Could you go duller on the magic.
And what exactly is elemnatal slayer.

message 50: by Loveme22 - The Queen of the Night Court (new)

they control all elements i think it should be a less and be focused on one element

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